Call to host Global Land Project International Office
The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme and Future Earth invite calls from internationally active institutes to host the International Project Office (IPO) of the Global Land Project (GLP) . This is an exciting time for the Global Land Project as it moves into its 2nd phase and becomes part of the Future Earth programme.
The ideal institute will have an international reputation for cutting-edge sustainability research with a focus on human-environment interactions. The successful bid stands to gain higher visibility, exposure at an international level and recognition as a world leader in the land-system science community. Hosting the International Project Office will also assist the institute to align with international priorities and new developments. In return the host institution must be prepared to commit resources to the international coordination of the land-system science research community.
The GLP IPO serves as the main point of contact for the large, international, network of land system science, coordinates joint research (synthesis) activities, organizes major high-level workshops and conferences, maintains communication through newsletters and the website and takes leadership in agenda setting in land-use research. The host institute should provide funding for an internationally recruited Executive Officer and associated support staff (e.g. a project officer, communication officer), infrastructural support (e.g. website hosting and other dissemination costs) and an annual travel budget for at least the Executive Officer. Preferably, the budget should also include some funding for hosting targeted workshops. Commitments to host the IPO should have a minimal length of 3 years. The GLP IPO is currently hosted by INPE (National Institute for Space Research), Brazil, but they will phase out their involvement during 2015.
Institutions interested in hosting the GLP IPO are asked to submit a 3-page ‘expression of interest’ to the Scientific Steering Committee of the GLP ( by 25 October 2014. The expression of interest should contain information on the host institution, the mutual benefits for GLP and the host institute, a short description of the activities and roles of the IPO proposed as well as a financial offer in terms of staff and other finances. At this moment GLP also accept bids for (regional) nodal offices.
If you would like to discuss this opportunity contact, chair of the Scientific Steering Committee of the Global Land Project.
October 2, 2014AUTHOR
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