Call for proposals for Transformative Knowledge Networks
The ISSC and its partners are inviting applications for proposals for Transformative Knowledge Networks for the recently launched Transformations to Sustainability Programme. Three Transformative Knowledge Networks will each be supported with up to €900,000 over three years.
The Transformations to Sustainability Programme seeks to address global sustainability challenges by supporting research on the complex processes of social transformation needed to secure effective, equitable and durable solutions. It will enable social scientists to develop knowledge networks that will both strengthen social science leadership in global change and sustainability research and foster on-the-ground progress towards greater sustainability.
The Knowledge Networks will be led or co-led by social scientists in low- and middle-income countries, and will involve the relevant academic disciplines and societal stakeholders in truly co-designed and co-implemented solutions-oriented research.
The Transformations to Sustainability Programme ultimately will inform and enable social change to more sustainable and equitable societies worldwide, by broadening and deepening our understanding of how change happens. The objectives are to:
- craft more effective, durable and equitable solutions to the problems of global change and sustainability;
- increase the use of such knowledge by policy makers, practitioners, the private sector, citizens and activists;
- create a Global Knowledge Trust on social transformations;
- engage and communicate effectively with the public.
This initiative is intended as a major contribution to the work of Future Earth.
About the funding
Core funding for the Transformations to Sustainability Programme is provided by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
The application and review process as well as the grant management for Transformative Knowledge Networks will be handled by the National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF).
The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) is providing support for eligible Japan-based partners in successful Transformative Knowledge Networks.
About the ISSC
The ISSC is an independent non-government organisation established in 1952. It is the primary body representing the social, economic and behavioural sciences at an international level. Its mission is to increase the production and use of social science knowledge for the well-being of societies throughout the world.
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