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Invitation to SDSN Youth Launch Event in Paris, June 4th

SDSN-Y works to empower youth globally to create sustainable development solutions, and its launch will serve as a timely occasion to reflect on the role of youth in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Welcome: Siamak Sam Loni, Global Coordinator of SDSN Youth


– Creating a More Equitable World: Tarja Halonen, Former President of Finland
– The Global Sustainability Movement: Johan Rockström, Executive Director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre
– The Role of Youth in Implementing the SDGs: Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
– Youth Climate Action and COP21: Laurence Tubiana, Special Representative for the 2015 Paris Climate Conference and French Ambassador for Climate Change

The presentations will be followed by an audience Q&A and reception.

The event is free and open to the public, though RSVP is required.

The adoption of the SDGs in September provides an opportunity to focus attention, bolster awareness, and mobilize action towards sustainable development solutions. Participants will examine key opportunities in 2015, effective collaboration at different scales (local, regional, global), and how to empower youth to be changemakers. Youth groups and individuals are invited to join SDSN-Y following the formal launch event via membership, internships, workshops, and youth-led projects.

Launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in 2012, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) mobilizes scientific and technical expertise from academia, civil society, and the private sector in support of sustainable development problem solving at local, national and global scales.

If you have any questions about the SDSN’s youth initiative or launch event, please email You can also join the conversation online & tweet questions to the speakers using #SDSNYouth. If you’re interested getting involved but are not able to join the launch event, you can sign up for the SDSN-Y newsletter, or connect with them on Facebook  and Twitter to get the latest updates on SDSN Youth.

The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) is a member of Future Earth's Governing Council