The Anthronaut Experience – Transformations Lab
22-23 Oct 2015
Do you want to be part of a virtual reality (VR) hackathon – the Anthronaut Experience – to explore what it means to live in the Anthropocene – the age of humanity?
We are looking for participants with strong skills in one or more of the below fields: Earth system science, resilience research, virtual reality production, filmmaking, scripting, journalism, storyboarding, programming, digital innovation graphics and design.
Email us your pitch on what you can offer and why you want to join the Anthronaut Experience here – no later than Thursday 8 October.
The Anthronaut Experience is one of four Transformation Labs – TLabs – associated with the Transformations Conference being held in Stockholm Sweden between the 5th and 7th October 2015.
The lab’s purpose is to bring together some of the most creative people in the Nordics to brainstorm create, plan and storyboard some truly mind expanding and deeply engaging Virtual Reality experiences of life in the Anthropocene and our personal and collective impact on global systems.
This transformation lab is the first in a series. Select participants at this event will be given the opportunity to travel to Paris in December for the next stage.
The materials conceptualized in this lab will be developed for presentation in Paris around the COP21 – United Nations Conference on Climate Change negotiations.
Participants will be given the opportunity to use and experience Samsung’s latest VR technology, they will receive deep immersion in Earth systems science, resilience thinking, planetary boundaries and the Anthropocene.
About the T-lab
Date: Thursday 22 Oct & Friday 23 Oct
Thursday 18.00-21.00. Networking dinner, inspiration and team formation at Epicenter Stockholm
Friday 09.30-18.00 Transformation lab including idea generation and storyboarding development at Stockholm Resilience Centre, Kräftriket
Dinner, lunch, coffee and after work drinks provided for all participants.
Any questions please contact the organizing team
Hannes Sjoblad
Owen Gaffney
Organizing partners:
October 5, 2015AUTHOR
Future Earth Staff MemberSHARE WITH YOUR NETWORK
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