Call for input on SOLAS Science and Society workshop
Following a call from the plenary and discussion sessions at the SOLAS Open Science Conference 2015, the SOLAS community aims to engage more with social scientists on SOLAS-related topics. In this regard, SOLAS will hold a two-day workshop bringing together both natural and social scientists in the second half of 2016.
During the discussion session (report available here), the following 3 topics for joint research were identified:
- plastics in the ocean
- carbon emission costs (valuing things like ocean acidification vs. carbon sequestration)
- creating laws and policy that cross the air-sea interface
In order to shape the agenda of the workshop, input on the following two points is welcome:
1) SOLAS reaches out to the scientific community, and in particular to social scientists, to send their ideas of potential topics for joint research.
2) Indicate if you wish to be included (whether or not you have a topic suggestion) in a specific mailing list for more detailed information regarding the workshop.
Please send your input to cmarandino(at) by 6th January 2016.
For more information visit
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