Virtual Special Issue on climate change for COP21
The virtual issue brings together 29 landmark review articles on various dimensions of climate change and aims to support the efforts of COP21, the recent climate negotiations in Paris. The articles were published by COSUST from 2009 to 2015. Several of them have been influential in recent IPCC reports and climate change thinking in general. Each article is accompanied by an updated commentary and a reflection on the article’s theme provided by the authors.
The scope of the collection ranges from reviewing basic research on the climate system and social processes to regional analyses and policy evaluations. The papers reflect on the advances and setbacks in research, and on societal and policy responses to climate change. One of the COSUST's Editors-in-Chief is Eduardo Brondizio, Member of the Future Earth Science Committee.
You can find the virtual issue here. The access to all articles is free.
December 17, 2015AUTHOR
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