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Input sought on UN-Habitat III policy papers

The first major UN conference for all nations following COP21 and the SDG summit is HABITAT III, the urbanization summit that will take place in Quito, Ecuador, 17-20 October 2016. The summits are hold every ten years, and for this third one, about 40,000 people are expected.

The preparatory process of Habitat III requires to mobilize all expertise on sustainable urban development. Therefore, Future Earth calls upon its global research community to give feedback and provide comments to the various draft policy paper frameworks.

The deadline for comments on Habitat III policy papers 31 January 2016.

This is the list and composition of policy units:


The Right to the City and Cities for All

Co-Lead Organization

Draft Policy Paper Framework


Socio-Cultural Urban Framework

Co-Lead Organization

Draft Policy Paper Framework


National Urban Policies

Co-Lead Organization

Draft Policy Paper Framework


Urban Governance, Capacity and Institutional Development

Co-Lead Organization

Draft Policy Paper Framework


Municipal Finance and Local Fiscal Systems

Co-Lead Organization

Draft Policy Paper Framework


Urban Spatial Strategies: Land Market and Segregation

Co-Lead Organization

Draft Policy Paper Framework


Urban Economic Development Strategies

Co-Lead Organization

Draft Policy Paper Framework


Urban Ecology and Resilience

Co-Lead Organization

Draft Policy Paper Framework


Urban Services and Technology

Co-Lead Organization

Draft Policy Paper Framework


Housing Policies

Co-Lead Organization

Draft Policy Paper Framework

As indicated on the website: “U. N. member states and NGOs that are accredited for Habitat III are eligible to submit written comments by 31 January. Those can be sent to and will be published online; they will also be considered as official contributions to the policy-level process toward Habitat III.”
Future Earth is accredited to the UN’s EcoSoc, the relevant UN agency. Send any comments to to be forwarded as a synthesis with attribution. 

Please note that any contributions should be clear and concise with key recommendations on the policy papers.

A zero draft document will be issued by April 17 . Following this, there will be one more opportunity to input in May and June. The draft is aimed to be finalized for the summit by July.