Call for abstracts: Global Land Project Open Science Meeting (Extended)
The Global Land Project, a research project of Future Earth, has issued a call for abstracts for its third Open Science Meeting in Beijing. Researchers from around the world will attend the conference to support "progress towards a sustainable land use future." The organisers write that the meeting will:
…bring together large parts of the international research community working on land system issues, showcase the width and scope of ongoing research, help build a community in this highly interdisciplinary field, inspire new research, and facilitate review, theory building and application of science in practice.
Researchers can submit abstracts for both oral and poster sessions by April 12 (Midnight, Beijing, UTC +8), extended from March 30. The conference will run from October 24 to 27 at the China National Convention Center in Beijing.
To learn more or to submit an abstract, check out the conference website here.
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