Post-doc opening in economics and sustainability in Sweden
Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere (GEDB), a programme of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, has announced that it will hire one to two Post-Doctoral Fellows for a two-year stay. The new fellow or fellows will work at the intersections of sustainability and economics, exploring how the global economy influences social and ecological changes. Post-docs will also work closely with the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics and the Stockholm Resilience Centre of Stockholm University.
In its announcement, GEDB writes:
Possible avenues for exploration include the role of finance in driving patterns of global environmental change, material use and its links to sustainable development, or food production and trade. However, we are open to other research foci and therefore ask all applicants to include a brief research proposal (max 1 A4) outlining the ideas you would like to pursue during the fellowship and how it will contribute to the overarching goal of the program as outlined above.
The deadline for applications is 31 May.
For more information or to apply, see the announcement.
May 3, 2016AUTHOR
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