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Job opening: Director for Australian National University environment school

The Australian National University in Canberra has announced that it will hire a new Director for its Fenner School of Environment and Society — which "employs cross-disciplinary, integrative approaches, examining environmental science, management and policy interactions to offer sustainable real-world solutions to complex environmental issues."

The new hire will serve an intitial appointment of five years and will lead the academic and strategic planning activities in the school, while also managing  staff, finances and other resources. The Fenner School's Director also plays an important role in reaching out to diverse stakeholders in Australia and abroad, including government groups and the education and private sectors. In its announcement, the university writes:

There are few places in the world where economists, hydrologists, historians, ecologists, foresters, geographers and climatologists all work together seeking solutions to some of contemporary society's most significant challenges. The Fenner School of Environment and Society within the Australian National University (ANU) is nationally and internationally recognised as one such place. The School is a world-class forum for the rigorous exploration of diverse ideas, perspectives, and methods of identifying and solving problems at the interface of the natural and social sciences and humanities, as they apply to the environment and sustainability.

The deadline for applications is 29 May.

For more information on this position and how to apply, see the official announcement.