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Take the sustainability research leadership survey

The Leopold Leadership Program, START, Future Earth and Amanda Carrico at the University of Colorado Boulder have launched an online survey to gauge global needs for sustainability research around the world. The survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete and is open to researchers.

You can take this survey here.

A second survey for policy-makers and practitioners will come soon. We're asking for your help to gain a much deeper understanding of the skills, tools and other capacities that researchers need in order to co-construct credible, relevant and legitimate scientific knowledge with users of that knowledge for sustainable development.

We will use the results to build awareness among funders, research institutions and other sectors about the need to increase capacity for this work. The results will inform program strategies for our organisations.

We also encourage you to share this survey with your networks by email and social media.

Sign up now to stay up-to-date about capacity building and other activities at Future Earth.