Complete a questionnaire on the upcoming IPCC report on the 1.5°C climate target
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is seeking responses to a questionnaire that will inform a special report on the impacts of an increase in global temperatures of 1.5°C. The IPCC announced the launch of the new report in April at its 43rd Session in Nairobi, Kenya. The effort is a response to a recent international agreement to try to limit warming from climate change to this ambitious target.
The special report will explore both the effects of a rise in temperatures of 1.5°C on the globe and potential ways for nations to meet this goal. Through its questionnaire, the IPCC is seeking to identify "policy relevant questions and scientific and technical topics" that the report should address. The panel will explore the responses at a scoping meeting in Geneva on 15 to 18 August. The deadline to submit the questionnaire is 15 July.
You can complete the questionnaire here.
Future Earth was accepted as an observer organisation to the IPCC at the April meeting in Nairobi – a status that gives the programme new capacities to contribute to IPCC reports, including the effort around 1.5°C. Future Earth is also organising a workshop to examine the research needs for the report. The meeting will run from 29 to 31 August in Stockholm and is sponsored by Future Earth, the Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA) and IPCC.
June 29, 2016AUTHOR
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