Call for applications: Future Earth Engagement Committee
Future Earth is now accepting applications for six new members to join its Engagement Committee. The Science Committee will also add six new members. You can see that announcement here.
Future Earth is a 10-year international research programme that seeks to generate the knowledge needed to support transformations to sustainability around the world. Future Earth brings together thousands of researchers from the natural and social sciences, as well as engineering, the humanities and law.
The Future Earth Engagement Committee is a strategic advisory group for Future Earth. Working together with the Future Earth Science Committee and the Secretariat, the Engagement Committee plays a critical role in achieving the Future Earth 2025 Vision by pioneering approaches for the co-design and co-production of solutions-oriented science. The Engagement Committee also transforms the way that Future Earth delivers products and services that societal partners need and use.
Why should you join Future Earth’s Engagement Committee?
This is a unique opportunity for you to:
- shape ground-breaking and innovative knowledge generation practices through stakeholder engagement
- shape how science will be communicated to key stakeholders globally
- deliver concrete results and outcomes, leading to systemic changes in how sustainability science is practiced globally
- work collaboratively and debate with creative thinkers and sustainability champions in different regions, disciplines and sectors.
- mobilise stakeholder communities around Future Earth’s research priorities
- help shape a vibrant vision of a future where people of thrive in a sustainable, resilient and equitable world
Future Earth will add six members to the Engagement Committee. They will be appointed by 1 December, 2016 and should be present at the Engagement Committee meeting on the week of 20 March, 2017 in Montreal, Canada.
The selection process is led by the Governing Council of Future Earth, and facilitated by the Future Earth Secretariat. All applications should be submitted no later than 11 September, 2016 at 11:00 UTC.
To be considered for the Future Earth Engagement Committee, please fill out the application form here. Please also read the application background information here.
August 1, 2016AUTHOR
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