Watch the live stream for a Future Earth-PROVIA-IPCC risks and solutions workshop
Next week, the Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth’s Swedish hub host a major climate workshop to analyse lessons learnt from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report to inform research priorities for the sixth report due in 2022. The event will be held in Stockholm from 29 to 31 August.
To learn more about the workshop, see the event page.
Sponsored by Future Earth, IPCC and PROVIA, the workshop will bring together an international group of over 80 experts to develop a new risk framework for climate research and assessment that bridges the three IPCC working groups and encompasses the broader international development agenda.
Online participation in the workshop is open to any interested individuals through our live stream. To watch plenary sessions during all three days of the workshop or to submit questions and comments, follow these links:
29 August:
30 August:
31 August:
Or join the discussion on Twitter using the hashtag #ipccstockholm
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