Call for nominations: IPCC Methodology Report
Future Earth is nominating experts to contribute to a Methodology Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) titled “2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories,” also called the “2019 Refinement.” Nominees will be up for consideration as Coordinating Lead Authors, Lead Authors, Contributing Authors, Review Editors and Expert Reviewers for the report.
IPCC decided on the outline of this Methodology Report at its 44th Session, which took place on 17 to 20 October 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand. IPCC’s Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (TFI) will submit a final draft of the 2019 Refinement to the panel for its consideration at its Plenary session in May 2019.
The outline approved by the Panel at its 44th Session is available online.
The terms of reference for the production of this Methodology Report can be found in Annex 1 to this decision, and the table of contents for this Methodology Report is in Annex 2. A detailed description of the IPCC writing and review process is detailed in the “Procedures for the Preparation, Review, Acceptance, Adoption, Approval and Publication of IPCC Reports,” which can be viewed on the IPCC website.
The tasks and responsibilities for Coordinating Lead Authors, Lead Authors, Contributing Authors, Review Editors and Expert Reviewers are specified in the Annex 1 to these procedures. The task of Coordinating Lead Authors and Lead Authors is a demanding one. The Coordinating Lead Authors and Lead Authors will attend two author meetings in 2017 and two author meetings in 2018. In addition, selected authors will also attend another meeting in 2018, as well as the IPCC Plenary in May 2019 where the document will be approved. They will also be expected to draft text and consider review comments on their own time. The role of Review Editors is to ensure that all comments are considered by the authors. However, the time commitment of Review Editors is less than that for Coordinating Lead Authors or Lead Authors, but will include attendance at two author meetings in 2018. Contributing Authors are normally not required to attend any of these meetings.
Please note that you can also be nominated by your government through your national focal point. Please also note that Future Earth will not provide travel and subsistence support for the participation of experts in the preparation of the 2019 Refinement. The IPCC Trust Fund may also only support a limited number of experts from developing countries and countries with economies in transition where Governments may not be in a position to support them.
Future Earth will send all nominations to the TFI Bureau (TFB), which will select Coordinating Lead Authors, Lead Authors and Review Editors. The selection of Contributing Authors will be left to the Coordinating Lead Authors and Lead Authors. All nominees for Expert Reviewers will be invited to join in the reviews of drafts. In the selection process, the TFB will consider the nominee’s areas of knowledge, experience and expertise as described in the nomination form. They will aim for a list of authors that will, as far as possible, reflect:
- the range of scientific, technical and socio-economic views and expertise;
- geographical representation (ensuring appropriate representation of experts from developing and developed countries and countries with economies in transition). There should be at least one expert and normally two or more from developing countries per chapter;
- a mixture of experts with and without previous experience in IPCC;
- gender balance.
Future Earth invites you to submit nominations using this form, which asks for details of both the experts and their areas of interest. Nominations should be sent no later than Wednesday, 7 December 2016 (midnight CEST) by email to and
The TFI TSU will inform the selected authors as soon as possible after the selection. The first Author Meeting is currently scheduled for June 2017.
November 22, 2016AUTHOR
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