Video: Workshop for a Future Earth Japan Strategic Research Agenda
The Research Insitute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) in Kyoto, Japan, and the Future Earth Regional Centre for Asia have released a new video covering the development of a Japan Strategic Research Agenda. The new agenda will set the stage for sustainability science in Japan over the next several years, highlighting a series of topics and themes for researchers to prioritise.
Roughly 40 experts helped to develop the agenda during a workshop in Kyoto, Japan, in January 2016. The workshop was organised by RIHN, which hosts the Regional Centre. Participants ranged from researchers to representatives of local governments, industry and non-governmental organisations. During the two-day event, these specialists examined 645 "candidate" research topics, drawn from interviews and questionnaires given to the general public, governments and industries and academic communities. Participants then narrowed down the list to a subset of priority topics, which will be announced early next year.
Through interviews and scenes from the workshop, the video captures how participants helped to craft the research agenda through discussion and consensus – and the role of Future Earth in Asia. Watch an English translation below:
You can watch this video in the original Japanese here. To read more about the development of the Japan Strategic Research Agenda in Japanese, visit the RIHN website.
December 13, 2016AUTHOR
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