Deadline approaching: Proposals for II Conference of the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS)
The Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) has announced that it is now accepting submissions for sessions at its second international conference. This event, which will run from 7 to 10 November 2017 in Oaxaca City, Mexico, will focus on “place-based transdisciplinary research for global sustainability.” PECS is a global research project of Future Earth.
In this first call for submissions, the PECS-II organisers are seeking proposals for a range of conference activities. They include symposia, workshops, innovative and immersive sessions, videos and documentaries and courses and workshops to be held during or after the conference. The deadline for these submissions is 30 January 2017. The organisers will also open a second call for summaries of accepted symposia and workshops and oral sessions or posters on 1 February with a deadline of 30 March.
The conference will focus on four themes:
- Context-specific pathways for working towards sustainability;
- Challenges and opportunities for informing global sustainability through place-based research;
- Social-ecological dynamics of ecosystem services: Synergies, trade-offs and links to human wellbeing;
- Cross-scale connections and feedbacks that impact the structure and dynamics of social-ecological systems.
To learn more about this event and the submission process, see the official conference website.
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