Call for abstracts: Special issue focusing on social transformation and 1.5°C
The journal Current Opinion on Environmental Sustainability (COSUST) has issued a call for abstracts for a special issue on 1.5°C Climate Change and Social Transformation. This issue, which will be published in the first quarter of 2018, will “review social, political and cultural transformations and the implications for mitigation and adaptation aspects of a 1.5°C increase in global temperature.” It will support the development of a special report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on the impacts of an increase in global temperatures of 1.5°C – announced last year in Nairobi.
COSUST is seeking review articles of 2000 to 3000 words. Interested can authors should submit a précis to the guest editors by 15 March 2017.
To learn more about this call for abstracts, see the announcement here.
The editors invite papers on a range of issues. A sample of possible topics include:
- Sustainable development pathways that significantly strengthen responses to the threat of climate change and support the achievement of 1.5 °C target
- Transformation of human behavior, particularly consumption and production patterns to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the implications for equity and social justice
- Critical assessments of the political, cultural, and institutional barriers to effective social, political, and cultural transformation to a 1.5°C world, as well as ways to bypass such barriers.
- The role of the arts and humanities in promoting societal change, particularly in relation to the 1.5°C narrative
- The role of youth activism in realizing the 1.5°C target and the ethical implications of failing to limit climate change risks
February 24, 2017AUTHOR
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