Future Earth interviews: The evolving role of Future Earth in global sustainability (video)
In March 2017, members of the Future Earth community gathered in Montreal for the annual meeting of the Science and Engagement Committees. There, they talked to Arun Dayanandan, Cheryl Gladu, Tristan Masson, Joel Odjick and Charly Plaisir, communications interns at Future Earth's hub in Montreal. The team captured their conversations in a series of videos, diving into the ambition of the Future Earth vision, building transdisciplinary research and the challenges of communicating about global change in a "post-truth world."
We'll be releasing more videos in the weeks ahead, so stay tuned.
Jakob Rhyner: Creating positive narratives of the future with science
Jakob Rhyner is Co-Chair of the Future Earth Governing Council. He was appointed United Nations University (UNU) Vice-Rector in Europe and Director of the UNU Institute for Environment and Human Security in November 2010. He holds a Ph.D. and diploma in theoretical physics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule; ETH) in Zurich.
On communicating the value of Future Earth:
“We have a lot of beautiful substance around, but during the growth and build-up phase, it has not really been possible to make it visible. … During the next steps, it will be about making use of the beautiful stories that Future Earth has already.”
On encouraging interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research:
“It will be important for Future Earth to come up with options and ideas for solutions of the problem – therefore, not just looking at the problem, but looking at the chances science and technology bring. And when you try and make these things useful for society or in practice, then you get interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary automatically.”
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UNU Institute for Environment and Human Security
Charles Ebikeme: International science and sustainable futures
Charles Ebikeme is a former biomedical scientist and a writer and commentator on science, policy and global health issues. As Science Officer at the International Council for Science (ICSU), Ebikeme oversees a suite of science programmes on a diverse range of issues such as urbanisation, health, and sustainability. ICSU is a member of the Future Earth Governing Council.
On the vision of Future Earth:
“It’s an ambitious vision. It’s all right there in the title. It’s the future of Earth. It’s how do we want to live on this planet, in society, in a way that’s not only sustainable, but is also prosperous not only for humanity but for the planetary boundaries. It’s making sure that humanity and the way we live operate within the safe operating spaces of the planet and how we use its resources and ecosystems.”
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June 22, 2017AUTHOR
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