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Call for abstracts: WDS Asia-Oceania Conference 2017

The organisers of the 2017 World Data System (WDS) Asia-Oceania Conference have announced a call for abstracts for this international event. WDS is an interdisciplinary body of the International Council for Science (2017). Its upcoming conference will run from 27 to 29 September in Kyoto, Japan, and will focus on establishing “a collaborative system for access to and dissemination of research data.” This event is endorsed by Future Earth.

The deadline for abstract submissions is 15 July. For more information or to register for this conference, visit the event website.

The mission of WDS is “to promote international collaborations on data stewardship, long-term preservation and provision of quality-assessed research data and data services.” Among other goals, the Asia-Oceania Conference seeks to build capacity in the region around preserving and sharing scientific data. It will address six main objectives:

  1. Strengthen collaboration in the Asia-Oceania region to reinforce WDS-oriented activities
  2. Build and expand WDS community in the Asia-Oceania region
  3. Exchange experience on successful WDS trustworthy data-repositories certification and membership application
  4. Encourage former ICSU World Data Centres to join WDS
  5. Introduce advanced technologies to data management
  6. Promote WDS-oriented activities in support of ICSU-led projects in the Asia-Oceania region