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Read the latest issue of Anthropocene magazine

Image: Anthropocene magazine

See what’s hot off the press: Anthropocene – Innovation in the Human Age, an initiative of Future Earth, has released the second issue of its print magazine. The issue zooms in on the “great decoupling,” a recent trend in which economies around the world have grown without causing a commensurate increase in greenhouse gas emissions. You can read stories from this magazine online, while members of Anthropocene will receive a print copy in their mailboxes.

Find out how you can become a member of Anthropocene magazine here.

Anthropocene is a digital, print and live magazine published by Future Earth. It’s a platform for writers, designers, scientists and entrepreneurs from around the world to explore how we can create a sustainable human age we actually want to live in. The magazine launched its inaugural issue, focusing on sustainable cities, in October 2016 in conjunction with the Habitat III summit on sustainable urban development. The Renewable Natural Resources Foundation recently honored this issue with its 2017 Excellence in Journalism Award.

The latest issue delves into the economics of renewable energy. Some of the stories that you’ll find in the magazine include:

In “The Great Decoupling,” scientists from the Global Carbon Project, a global research project of Future Earth, explore how greenhouse gas emissions have, traditionally, risen in lockstep with GDP – and why that trend may now be broken.

Image: Anthropocene magazine

In “Cutting Loose the Climate Future from the Carbon Past,” Oliver Morton of the Economist examines the problems and potential of geoengineering, and how such technologies may change humanity’s relationship with Earth.

Wayt Gibbs of Scientific American asks “How Much Energy Will the World Need?” The short answer: a lot more than you think.

And in “Throw Software at the Problem,” technology writer Mark Harris investigates how artificial intelligence can decarbonise factories, data centres and transit systems.

Anthropocene magazine also posts online news on the latest advances in sustainability science four days a week. Sign up to receive Daily Science updates in your inbox here.