Future Earth session at Japan Geo-science Union meeting 2018
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, the host institute of the Regional Centre for Future Earth in Asia, will organize a union session at the Japan Geo-science Union meeting 2018 (JpGU2018) on 20 May in Chiba, Japan.
The session, titled "Future Earth-GRPs integration for global environmental research," aims to facilitate and enhance the communication between the global Future Earth initiative and scientists in Japan and Asia engaging in sustainability research, especially in the Future Earth Global Research Projects. The session will provide arena for actors of all capacities to share the latest developments, exchange their visions and discuss plausible plans for regional initiatives to be better reflected in the Future Earth global agenda and governance. The session will be conducted in Japanese.
- Conveners: Reiichiro Ishii, Tetsuzo Yasunari, Makoto Taniguchi, Hein Mallee (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)
- Language: Japanese
- Venue: Room#103, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall
Speakers and presentations:
About JpGU
JpGU is an academic union that encompasses all the Earth and Planetary Sciences disciplines and related fields, organizing annual meetings since 2005. The JpGU Meetings offer a wide selection of scientific sessions, a broad range of keynote speeches, and various types of formal and informal networking opportunities. In 2017, the annual Meeting was jointly organized with the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting brought together 8450 participants from 48 countries, expanding into one of the largest Earth and Planetary Science meetings in Asia.
The Japan Geo-science Union meeting 2018 will run on 20-24 May, 2018, at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan and covers research areas of Space and Planetary Sciences, Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences, Human Geosciences, Solid Earth Sciences, and Biogeosciences.
For more information, visit the event website.
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