Exponential Climate Action for Cities Workshop Kicks Off
The Exponential Climate Action for Cities (X-CAC) workshop brings together leading researchers, tech companies, innovators, and city actors from across the globe to map out the opportunity space for exponential systemic action. We will look at the best examples of rapid emission reductions, the massive opportunities opening up with new technologies, and the role of societal change and policy actions. The results will contribute to a major roadmap report for the Climate Action Summit in California in September.
Focus areas include:
- Mobility and logistics. Exponential solutions for people and goods in the urban space including smart commuting, telepresence and the promise and curse of self-driving cars.
- Buildings. Fast solutions for a slow-moving sector, such as shared spaces and sensor-controlled ventilation
- Integrated and complex systems. Smart grids, buildings communicating with power and heat networks, open city data, etc. Bridging across the two sectors above.
Click here for more information.
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