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Event: Science Crossing Boundaries to address the Sustainable Development Goals

When: Feb 13th, 5:30 to 8 PM

Where: AAAS Headquarters, Abelson/Haskins room, 1200 New York Ave NW, Washington DC 20005

RSVP required

A wide range of fundamental and translational research is needed to support societies in transition to meet the UN Sustainable development goals, but not all research contributes equally, and the current knowledge creation scaffolding (e.g. research funding mechanisms, government and societal incentives, academic award and promotion systems and professional society supports) are simply not designed to focus and transmit scientific inquiry into actionable knowledge at the scope, scale, and speed demanded by the 2030 agenda.

The impact of science on the SDG agenda will depend on its capacity to cross disciplines, national borders, sectors of society, and political boundaries. It will also depend on the degree to which the science supports our capacity to transform the 2030 agenda from a set of limits into a roadmap and set of opportunities that directs financial flows, engage entrepreneurs, and establishes an evidence-base that allow cities, businesses, states and countries to confidently embed risk and sustainability into their business models.

In this session, using a series of three panels focused on 1) new networks and partnerships linking science and innovation to the SDGs, 2) funders perspective on connecting science, innovation, and policy in support of the SDGS, and 3) next generation perspectives on sustainability science and the SDGs.

Speakers and Moderators

  • Angela Bednarek: Project Director of Environmental Science, The Pew Charitable Trusts
  • Erica Key: Executive Director, Belmont Forum;
  • Josh Tewksbury: Director, US Hub of Future Earth, Executive Director, Anthropocene Magazine;
  • Judit Ungvari Martin; AAAS STP fellow at NSF, Belmont Forum, Future Earth;
  • Makyba Charles-Ayinde: AAAS STP fellow at NSF, Belmont Forum, Future Earth, Executive Advisory Board Member Global Sustainability Scholars Program;
  • Maria Uhle: Program Director for International Programs at NSF Geosciences, Co-chair of the Future Earth Governing Council, Co-chair of the Belmont Forum;
  • Patrick Frick: co-founder of Value Web;
  • Thomas Lovejoy: Senior Fellow at the United Nations Foundation and University Professor in the Environmental Science and Policy department at George Mason University

…And others!

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