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Human Migration and Global Change: A Future Earth and Belmont Forum global scoping process

Future Earth invites you to contribute to research priorities and recommendations on human migration and global change, as input to a Belmont Forum scoping process.

Future Earth and the Belmont Forum have recently developed a preliminary synthesis document on research priorities for Human Migration and Global Change. The white paper outlines potential topics and priorities for research for transdisciplinary, multinational teams. Additionally, we are seeking input on approaches to be encouraged and avoided in the design of a funding call on this topic, as well as policy and action impacts, and key references.

We now invite the wider community to review the synthesis document and give feedback in order to see if there are any missing pieces that have not yet been addressed. We invite feedback from both individuals and institutions. Feedback will be which incorporated into a final version of the document that will then serve as input to a Belmont Forum scoping process for a future Collaborative Research Action.

The consultation will be open until August 14, 2019. If you have any questions regarding this consultation, including any technical problems, please contact

To access the consultation survey, please click on this link: