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Commentary: The Spark We Need, for the Ocean We Want

Dr. Alfredo Giron-Nava has authored a commentary in the September/October 2019 issue of Marine Technology Society Journal: “The Spark We Need, for the Ocean We Want.”

In it, he discusses the “failures” of Walter Munk as a young oceanographer, which led to important developments of new technologies – and how young professionals now are now often advised to take on “safe” projects that will yield publications and timely outcomes, leaving little room for risky experimentation in the early stages of their careers. He then puts this in the context of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and emphasizes the importance of involving early career professionals in its planning and execution:

“If the global community is to find truly innovative solutions to our problems related to ocean sustainability during the Decade, there is a very good chance they are going to come from early career researchers and professionals.”

Dr. Giron-Nava is a postdoctoral research scholar with the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, UC Santa Barbara, and Future Earth, School of Global Environmental Sustainability, Colorado State University. He is also the first recipient of the Walter Munk Scholar Award, created by the Marine Technology Society (MTS), in partnership with the Walter Munk Foundation for the Oceans, which aims to inspire young researchers to pursue “daring exploration and discovery through ocean science and technology research.”

Members can also read the full piece in the journal here.