Announcing Launch of “Digital Disruptions for Sustainability”
Future Earth announces launch of “Digital Disruptions for Sustainability”, a game changer on climate.
The report, Digital Disruptions for Sustainability (D^2S) explores and highlights the research, innovation, and actions needed to drive societal transformations in support of a more sustainable and equitable world. The report was developed over a year-long collaborative process with input from more than 250 sustainability and digital experts worldwide from academia, business, and civil society.
“Climate strategies tend to focus on targeting investments on emission reductions by sector,” says Amy Luers, Executive Director of Future Earth and the project’s leader.
“This sector-based work is critical, of course, but insufficient to meet our climate goals. This is because while research indicates that deep decarbonization is technically possible, we have not yet figured out how to steer society onto a deep decarbonization path. More research and innovation on this issue are urgently needed.”
This is the focus of the D^2S Agenda. It approaches climate as a social challenge. Rather than focus on the high carbon-emitting sectors, the Agenda focuses on the rules, norms, power structures, and mindsets underpinning all sectors and constraining climate actions.
Please access the report here:
An animated video can be accessed here:
March 2, 2020AUTHOR
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Dr. Micheline Ayoub Named Director of Future Earth Canada Hub
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