Call for Hosts: 2022 Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress
The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress has launched the call for hosts for SRI2022 – help shape the future of sustainability scholarship and innovation through transdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration and action.
Conveners, Future Earth and the Belmont Forum are seeking hosts interested in joining as core conveners in the development of the 2022 Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress 2022 (SRI2022).
Hosting SRI2022 is a unique opportunity for networks, universities, research institutions, government agencies, corporations, granting agencies, professional societies, non-profit organizations and other change-makers in sustainability aspiring to strengthen their global profile and thought leadership. The event will build on the outcomes and lessons learned from SRI2021 and will push forward an ambitious agenda for elevating the sustainability sector globally.
SRI2022 will represent an exciting novel type of accessible, green and truly global multi-location event, with several inter-connected SRI hubs scattered across the globe. Together with the new hosts, the Congress will develop a strong online program to support and amplify in-person sessions, which together will spin into a global discussion generating novel connections between places, participants and ideas.
Hosts should demonstrate experience in, and possess the capacity to provide an internationally supportive venue accessible to 200-700 attendees from around the world for a 3-day conference, with multiple side meetings before and after. As virtual participation will be a key element of SRI2022, the hosts are expected to provide facilities that enable interactive online engagement at scale. Hosts will also play a key role in designing and facilitating the meeting, which is why dedicated support of one full- or part-time staff person is requested.
Hosting applications will be accepted until January 31 2021. For questions, please contact Veera Mitzner at
November 19, 2020AUTHOR
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