Call for Expressions of Interest: Global Secretariat Hubs and Global Coordination Hub
The Future Earth Governing Council is pleased to announce an opportunity to join the Future Earth Global Secretariat. Beginning today, a call for expressions of interest to host a Global Secretariat Hub is now open to institutions from any country or region that work to promote global sustainability science and that seek to support Future Earth’s global mission.
Concurrently, a call for Future Earth’s Global Coordination Hub is also open now, which will house the Future Earth Executive Director, oversee and coordinate the main activities of the Future Earth Secretariat, conducted by the Global Secretariat Hubs, and manage the Future Earth common resources.
Global Secretariat Hubs (Deadline: May 1, 2021):
In the Future Earth Secretariat, Global Secretariat Hubs will work with the Future Earth Global Coordination Hub and the Executive Director to support integrative, holistic and synergistic activities, including outreach and liaison capacity across the Future Earth network and beyond, strengthening of science-policy interfaces and management of the Secretariat’s core functions: Facilitating Research and Innovation; Coordination and Operations/Finance; Supporting Networks and Regions; and Communications and Engagement.
View the official call for expressions of interest to become a Global Secretariat Hub here, and the Terms of Reference here.
Global Coordination Hub (Rolling Deadline):
To help coordinate the work of the Global Secretariat Hubs and support the Future Earth community, Future Earth will simultaneously open a call to host a single Global Coordination Hub. This office will be in charge of the key global coordination and strategy development work across the Future Earth community including governance support and will host the new Executive Director.
View the official call for expressions of interest to become a Global Coordination Hub here, and the Terms of Reference here.
These calls align with a broader transition process of Future Earth, following an external review, and are aimed at increasing the effectiveness, accessibility and reach of this dynamic global network. The call for expressions of interest invites potential host institutions and partners to indicate their interest in investing the effort and resources required to host a Future Earth Global Secretariat Hub, as well as the Global Coordination Hub, and to provide essential information on their potential contributions, as well as any constraints. Global Secretariat Hubs are free to establish consortium funding models involving multiple revenue sources and spanning multiple countries in a region.
Hosting a Future Earth Global Secretariat Hub or Global Coordination Hub provides:
- Opportunity to shape the direction of sustainability research globally for years to come
- Access to a wide and influential network of organisations and institutions advancing and conducting sustainability research
- Increased national and international visibility, connectivity, and impact for the sustainability science community within the country / region
- Opportunity to easily leverage domestic research investment and demonstrate leadership in sustainability science
- Direct reciprocal access to Future Earth global resources (structures, platforms, partner networks, communications, knowledge and expertise) and programs
- An executive seat in Future Earth Directors Council, integration with Global Secretariat staff, as well as representation in Future Earth governance
- Capacity to shape Future Earth’s collective input into national, regional and global sustainability science-policy platforms and processes (including UNEA, HLPF, UNFCCC, CBD, IPBES, IPCC, etc.)
- Better access to national and international public and private funding, leveraged through integration into an international program
For more information and relevant documents, click here.
For a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Future Earth’s transition process, click here.
February 1, 2021AUTHOR
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Announcing New Future Earth Global Secretariat Hubs
Call for Nominations: Future Earth Governing Council
Future Earth’s Governance Transition