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Sustainability Research and Innovation Unlocked: Access Over 100 Expert Sessions Online

Recordings of sessions at the Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021 (SRI2021) are now available to watch online through the Congress platform.

There is a wealth of knowledge and learning to explore with over 100 presentations, discussions, panels and workshops exploring some of the most urgent intersections of science, policy, and technology.

Catch any sessions you may have missed with free access included in your event ticket.

New subscribers are encouraged to give a one-time donation to better enable open communication of new research, policy dialogues, and more in the upcoming SRI2022 Congress. Recordings may be requested for educational purposes and special consideration will be given for those in financial need.

The world’s first transdisciplinary gathering in sustainability, SRI2021 took place from June 12-15, 2021, both online and onsite in Brisbane, Australia. It was the first in an annual series to unite global sustainability leaders, experts, industry and innovators to inspire action and promote a sustainability transformation.

The event brought together over 2,000 participants from more than 100 countries and featured 700 speakers from a range of disciplines and backgrounds, including indigenous leaders and scholars.

Recordings of indigenous-led sessions and sharing of indigenous knowledge and perspectives have been open access to further the inclusivity of sustainability science and bring indigenous voices to a wider global audience. Incorporating indigenous knowledge in sustainability science and action is critical for achieving global sustainability goals and creating equitable benefits.

Here are just a few of the great sessions that are available to watch now:

  • Boots on the Ground: Incorporating local and indigenous knowledge in discovery science features speakers representing different geographic areas of the Global South, from southern Africa to the Indo-West Pacific, and different scientific expertise from conservation to geology. Panelists discuss their work discovering new species, finding novel geographic sites, creating conservation initiatives and other ‘boots on the ground’ exploration, focusing on the importance of integrating local and indigenous knowledge in the discovery process.
  • Hear from the producers and scientists behind the documentary Arctic Bloom and Under the Pole web series in the Oceans Film Festival Discussion 1 as they discuss their films, personal journeys, connecting science and film, and the exploration of sustainability storytelling at the cutting edge of driving Knowledge-to-Action. Both films are available to watch to complement the discussion.
  • In Pioneering sustainability publishing, watch Chief Editors Monica Contestabile of Nature Sustainability, Lewis Collins of One Earth, and Bronwyn Wake of Nature Climate Change in conversation with Josh Tewksbury, former Interim Executive Director of Future Earth, sharing the direction and development of their journals, and the unique challenges and opportunities they face in this rapidly evolving space.
  • Green finance: overcoming capital cost barriers to low-carbon energy projects through public-private partnerships explores how innovative public-private sector finance arrangements can overcome upfront capital cost barriers to renewable energy projects in large institution applications. The presenters use an award-winning $10 million low-carbon infrastructure partnership between the University of the Sunshine Coast and Veolia as a case study to describe the more general characteristics of institution-level low carbon infrastructure projects that are favorable to private sector investment and the steps required to identify, assess, negotiate, and implement them.
  • Speakers in Narratives, Identities, and Visions for Sustainable Futures unpack examples of narratives and evidence of their impact in shaping or obstructing collective behavior change toward sustainable futures in the culture and context of different communities as they address the need for transformation in aspects of sustainability most relevant to each community, including food and energy consumption and production.

The SRI Congress series will continue next year with SRI2022 taking place in Pretoria, South Africa, hosted by the Future Africa Institute at the University of Pretoria.