Future Earth Vacancy: Director (Taipei Hub)- Position Closed
This position has been filled
Job Summary
We are seeking applicants for the position of Director of the Future Earth Global Secretariat Hub Taipei (GSH Taipei), hosted by Academia Sinica located in Taipei. This Director is a full-time and hands-on position to support the activities of Future Earth and join the Future Earth Directors’ Council meetings to work closely with the other GSHs led by the Future Earth Executive Director at the Global Coordination Hub. The GSHs work as a single unit to deliver the key functions of the Future Earth Secretariat. The GSH Taipei Director will engage the world’s leading specialists in sustainability and environmental research from a trans-disciplinary perspective.
The GSH Taipei Director will work collaboratively with the global Future Earth Secretariat Directors’ Council and report to GSH Taipei Governing Board. The GSH Taipei Director serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Future Earth GSH Taipei and manages a staff of at least one full-time member and 3 or more additional part-time staff members. The functions of the GSH may include strategic planning, research, synthesis, policy, networking, capacity building, communication, fundraising, and administration.
Salary and Benefits
The expected salary range for this position is USD 74,600 – 117,000 (NTD 2,100,000 – 3,300,000). The director would be based in Taipei — a vibrant, friendly, metropolitan city with a healthy economy, advanced schools, gourmet food, and a strong commitment to COVID-19 protocols. Current pandemic guidelines make it one of the safest cities in the world. The world-famous Health Insurance System guarantees universal healthcare to everyone, including foreigners, with inexpensive quality healthcare. The director would be hosted by Academia Sinica, a prestigious research institution with a strong record in sustainability science. Please visit the Academia Sinica website for more information.
Required Qualifications
- University degree (Ph.D. or equivalent)
- Understanding of transdisciplinary global environmental change and sustainability issues; integrated systems thinking on socio-environmental interactions and sustainable solutions.
- Well-experienced in managerial positions and/or as part of the executive team.
- Experienced in international and domestic collaboration and networking.
- Familiarity with Future Earth is encouraged.
Desired Experience
- Record of strong financial and human resources management skills.
- Ability to work collaboratively with diverse partners.
- Track record in successful resource mobilization.
- Excellent communication skills.
- Strong working command of English.
To apply, please submit the following materials
- Resume/CV
- Cover Letter
- One Letter of Recommendation
- Strategic vision statement for GSH Taipei (Maximum 2000 characters)
Deadline for Application: November 15, 2021
Review of Applications: November 15 – December 15
Targeted Date of Assuming Office: Quarter one, 2022
Please send your application via: https://forms.gle/dZbQYckreEtDbHqz6
Note: We may require more detailed materials if needed. After one receives the job offer, it may need one month or more for the employment process.
Contact Information
CH Jeffery Lee
Science officer of Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica
Email: jeffery.lee@futureearth.org
October 13, 2021AUTHOR
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