We Welcome Your Input for This Year’s ‘10 New Insights in Climate Science’
The 10 New Insights in Climate Science series, jointly developed by Future Earth, The Earth League, and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), is an annual synthesis highlighting essential recent advances in climate change research with high policy relevance, from natural and social sciences. This influential policy report has been launched every year since 2017 at the UNFCCC COP.
The bedrock for this work are the contributions gathered through a broad expert consultation effort across the extensive research networks of the three partner organizations. We are seeking the input of active researchers, across all disciplines, working with issues related to climate change.
Please fill out this form and share your thoughts about what essential new climate change insights, discoveries, and advancements should be highlighted for climate policy negotiators and the general public. You can also indicate your interest in contributing as a co-author of the peer-review paper that underpins the policy report. The manuscripts from the 2020 and 2021 installments are now published in the journal Global Sustainability. This call is open until 20 February 2022 (00:00 CET).
If you have any question or comment about this call, or the ‘10 New Insights’ process in general, please contact Daniel Ospina <daniel.ospina@futureearth.org>.
January 31, 2022AUTHOR
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