The Future Earth Governing Council is the elected, operational decision-making structure working on behalf of the Assembly. It oversees the strategic and scientific direction of Future Earth and supports timely decision processes to advance Future Earth’s agenda, strategies, activities and structures.

The Governing Council is composed of 17 voting members representing the Future Earth Community: the Global Research Networks, the National and Regional Structures, and the Global Secretariat Hubs (Boards of Directors and Funders). In addition, the Governing Council has dedicated seats for representatives from low and middle-income countries as well as early career professionals.

The Future Earth Assembly and Governing Council Terms of Reference are available here.

Governing Council Co-Chairs

Sirkku Juhola

Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland, Linköping University, Sweden, Western Norway Research Institute, Norway

Maria Uhle

Program Director for International Activities Institution: US National Science Foundation

Early Career Researchers
Arijit Paul
Giovanni Avila-Flores
Timothy Balag'kutu
Global Research Networks (GRP or KAN)
Faten Attig-Bahar
Sirkku Juhola
Xuemei Bai
Regional, National, Subnational Committees / Structures / Entities
Stephanie Burton
Taikan Oki
Joon Kim
Experts from Low and Middle Income Countries
Kalpana Chaudhari
Lucas Enrico
Yulia Sugandi
Global Secretariat Hubs Boards and Funders
Maria Uhle
Deliang Chen
Jean-Marie Flaud
Yukari Takamura
Gordon McBean