Africa Hub Staff

Daniel Nyanganyura
Director, Africa Hub
Full profile
Dr. Daniel Nyanganyura is an Atmospheric Physicist and research manager with a strong interest in promoting transboundary sustainability science, interdisciplinary research collaboration, and enhancing the science-policy interface. He currently serves as the Director of the Future Earth Africa Hub Leadership Centre, where he focuses on fostering research and innovation, building continental networks to support collaborative sustainability science, developing capacity for early- and mid-career researchers, and advancing science diplomacy. Previously, he was the Executive Director of the African Science, Technology and Policy Institute and the Regional Director of the International Science Council Regional Office for Africa. Additionally, he served as a Programme Specialist for Physics, Mathematics, and Engineering Sciences at the International Council for Science Regional Office for Africa. Dr. Nyanganyura has also conducted pollution research at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, Germany, and has served as a Physics lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe. He is a member of the South African Institute of Physics and has served in the following committees: Advisory Board of the African Physics Newsletter (2020 – present); International Advisory Committee of the African Light Source (2020 – present); Member of the Water Institutes Alliance Task Team (2020 – present); Advisory Group for the Africa Regional Mechanism of the United Nation Major Groups and Other Stakeholders – as an invitee representing the Science and Technology Community (2016 – present); Member of the Technical Advisory Board of the first phase of the African Open Science Platform (2017 – 2020); Member of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Leading Integrated Research for Agenda 2030 in Africa (2015 – 2021); ex-officio Member of the International Science Council Regional Committee for Africa (2016 – 2021); and ex-officio Member of the African Future Earth Committee (2016 – 2020).

Michael Nxumalo
Acting Global Hub Director, Africa Hub
Full profile
Africa Collaborative Grants and Initiatives Knowledge Advancement and Support (KAS) National Research Foundation, South Africa