Future Earth’s Global Coordination Hub is hosted by the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory® at Arizona State University.

The Global Coordination Hub functions as the central coordinating body of Future Earth’s Secretariat. Its role is to:

  • Lead strategy development in collaboration with the Global Secretariat Hubs.
  • Manage and support the Future Earth governance bodies: Governing Council and Assembly
  • Represent Future Earth through the Executive Director.
  • Provide overall coordination of the globally distributed Secretariat activities:
    • Coordination of programs and initiatives among Global Secretariat Hubs
    • Leading of cross-cutting fundraising efforts and management of partnerships
    • Leading of global communications
    • Management of Future Earth common resources

With a commitment to shaping a thriving future for all of Earth’s inhabitants, the Global Futures Laboratory is home to a deep and diverse cohort of scientists and scholars from across the entirety of Arizona State University. It is home to more than 70 research centers and initiatives as well as a college, all dedicated to understanding our planetary systems and boundaries, innovating solutions to address the problems we face and educating and equipping the leaders of today and tomorrow whose purpose is to drive informed, positive action. In combination with an extensive global network of partners, the Global Futures Laboratory is addressing the complex social, economic and environmental challenges and threats, both current and future, spawned by an array of forces including climate change.

Future Earth’s Executive Director will be based at the Global Coordination Hub.


Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory
Arizona State University
777 E. University Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85281
(480) 965-2975