Tetsuzo Yasunari
Advisory Committee, Chair of the Future Earth Japan National Committee
Dr. Tetsuzo Yasunari received his Ph.D. from Kyoto University in 1980. His main fields of study are climate dynamics and global environmental change, including human impacts on the earth climate system. He served as professor at University of Tsukuba (1990-2002) and Nagoya University (2002-2012) and is currently professor emeritus of these universities. He was a member of Joint Scientific Committee of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). He is a review editor of IPCC-AR6 (Working Group I) and also served as a review editor of IPCC-AR5 and as a contributor for IPCC-FAR and SAR. Since April 2013, he has been the Director General of the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) in Kyoto, Japan. He is Chairman of the Future Earth National Committee under the Science Council of Japan and is a member of the International Science Committee for Future Earth. He is a fellow of the Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU). His publication list of peer-reviewed journal papers is available here.