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Closing the gender gap in farming under climate change: New knowledge for renewed action

Date: January 06, 2015

Specific objectives include:

  1. Share key research results related to gender, climate change, agriculture and food security.
  2. Discuss how such results are being used or could be used to reduce gender inequalities including their implications for policy and programs.
  3. Identify key gaps in the research that still need to be addressed to achieve optimal gender inclusion.
  4. Identify appropriate frameworks and methods for collecting and analyzing data around the topics of gender and climate change.
  5. Networking for building potential partnership and/or strengthening existing partnerships.

The format of the event will include several research presentations in the morning and a panel discussion in the afternoon.

Confirmed panelists:

Keynote speakers: 

  • Jacqui Ashby, CGIAR Senior Advisor on Gender and Research
  • Jennifer Twyman, Science Officer, CCAFS

Moderator: Heide Hackmann, Executive Director, International Council for Science (ICSU)

Abstracts: The deadline for abstract submission has now passed, and submissions are no longer being accepted. If your abstract is selected, you will be notified soon.

Online registration for this event is now open.

Partners: The event is organised by CCAFS and the CGIAR Consortium office in collaboration with Future Earth, and the International Social Science Council (ISSC).