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COP21 Side Event: Healthy Lives on a Healthy Planet

Date: December 04, 2015

The meeting “Healthy Lives on a Healthy Planet: What is next for research and policy?” intends to raise awareness of both the health impacts of climate change and the health co-benefits of decisive action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It will also define the agenda for research and policy in the future.

Topics will include:

  • the implications of COP21 for the health of the planet and of humanity
  • an overview of the recommendations of two Lancet commissions
  • environmental change and its connection to health
  • the potential to link health and environmental data
  • a perspective from young researchers on environmental change and nutrition
  • the role of foundations in planetary health
  • the challenges of communication on environmental change and health.

Speakers will include, among others:

  • Dr Paul Shrivastava: Executive Director of Future Earth
  • Professor Corinne Le Quéré: The Tyndall Centre, University of East Anglia; Member of Future Earth Science Committee

The meeting is organised by the University Sorbonne Paris Cité represented by the Centre Virchow&Villermé for Public Health Paris&Berlin together with The University of Geneva, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the University of Heidelberg, the World Health Organization, the Rockefeller Foundation, and The Lancet.

This event is open to the civil society, policy makers, academics, foundations, opinion leaders and to any person interested on the issue of climate change and health.

The event will be held at Espace Genérations Climat, COP21, Parc des expositions du Bourget.

Find the detailed programme here.