Future Earth: Applying complex systems thinking to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals
The research community through for example, Future Earth, SDSN, ICSU and the Independent Research Forum has participated in the development of the SDGs and will remain involved in implementation.
This session will discuss progress to develop the science-policy interface to support the SDGs and ensure the goals' implementation is informed by evidence. Implementation will require integrated systemic changes. Systems-thinking is needed to ensure that environment and development are integrated at all levels and in all countries. Implementation will require developing a bare minimum set of integrated indicators.
The research community can provide foresight of the 5-10 year research needs to support the goals. Future Earth is planning foresighting workshops to initiate thinking in this area.
Paul Shrivastava, Executive Director of Future Earth
Farooq Ullah, Future Earth Engagement Committee
Norichika Kanie, United Nations University and Future Earth Secretariat Implementation Team
Speaker to be confirmed
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