Future Earth at the 2014 AGU Fall meeting
Venue: Moscone South, 103-104
This session will explore the potential of transdisciplinary science and engagement to provide critical knowledge required for societies to face the challenges posed by global environmental change and accelerate transformations to sustainability.
The meeting will be chaired by Dennis Ojima, interim Director of the Colorado hub for Future Earth.
The papers to be given are:
- ‘Engagement’ in Future Earth: Supporting a Step Change in Global Science-Policy Interactions, Susanne Moser, Future Earth Science Committee. Abstract (opens external site).
- Science Communication in the Post-Expert Digital Age, Amy Luers, Future Earth Engagement Committee. Abstract (opens external site).
- Advancing Water and Water-Energy-Food Cluster Activities within Future Earth, Richard G Lawford, Morgan State University, Greenbelt, MD, United States, Anik Bhaduri, GWSP Office, University of Bonn, Germany and Claudia Pahl-Wostl, University of Osnabrueck, Germany. Abstract (opens external site). Abstract (opens external site).
- A critical knowledge pathway to a sustainable future in an urbanizing planet, Patricia Romero-Lankao, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, United States. Abstract (opens external site).
All those attending the AGU are welcome to attend this union session, where delegates will have chance to find out more about Future Earth and to ask questions and discuss.
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