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Habitat III webinar: Hangout on Air

Date: February 23, 2016

Ahead of the Habitat III conference in October, the International Council for Science is holding a live webinar about the future of cities around the world — and the role that science will play in informing that future. This remote event will feature Lawrence C. Nussdorf, Professor of Urban Research at the University of Pennsylvania Eugenie Birch. He'll discuss how people around the world can contribute their research and knowledge to this conference, driving the United Nations' efforts surrounding sustainable uban housing.

The Habitat III conference, which will be held in Quito, Ecuador, will be the first UN conference since the completion of COP21. The New Urban Agenda, a negotiated outcome document, will be released at the conference, representing a global consensus on the topic of housing and the sustainable urban agenda.

The discussion with Professor Nussdorf will run from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. CET and can be viewed on Google+ or YouTube. You can tweet questions using #Sci4TheCity.