MAIRS Open Science Conference 2014: Future Earth in Asia
The Asian monsoon region is uniquely affected by global climate change, drawing international attention to the magnitude and scale of climate variations and their impacts on the nations of the region. The MAIRS (Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Studies) programme was established in 2006 to specifically address the interactions between climate and human systems in the monsoon Asia region, using interdisciplinary approaches to integrate research on human communities, climate and ecosystems. By focusing on integrated studies in vulnerable zones (Coastal, Urban, Mountain, and Dryland), the MAIRS programme has achieved a significant understanding of how the climate-human system interacts, and has identified knowledge gaps.
This Open Science Conference is intended to bring together regional experts to better understand the complexity of the interactions between climate, ecosystem and human systems, to enhance integration of different disciplines, sectors, programs, and national efforts across spatial-temporal scales in the Monsoon Asia region.
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