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Making London Nature-Smart – One Day Symposium

Date: August 19, 2015

Making London Nature Smart’s One Day Symposium will bring together interested parties who represent all sectors of London life, including government, scientists, academics, businesses and citizens.

The symposium will focus the day around three key themes which will be integral to gaining a better knowledge about the habitats and species present in London, and how these are important in our urban environment. We will hear about how biodiversity is currently being monitored in London. We will discuss how best to engage with London’s citizens and decision-makers. Finally, we will consider new ways to monitor biodiversity and understand people's relationships to nature, including using new technologies and citizen scientists.

Speakers and chairs include but are not limited to E.J. Milner-Gulland, Imperial College London, Muki Haklay – ExCiteS / University College London, Kate Jones, University College London and Daniel Raven Ellison, Greater London National Park City campaign.

The symposium is hosted by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and organised by ZSL, Imperial College's Grand Challenges in Ecosystems and the Environment initiative, and the Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research, University College London.

Download the application form from the ZSL website page here 

Deadline for Posters – 10th September, 2015

Deadline for talks – 31st August, 2015

Tickets can be purchased through the Eventbrite site here
Full Rate £25  Discounted Rate £15 (Including lunch and refreshments)

Discounts are applicable for Students, ZSL Members and Fellows.

For further information, please contact the MLNS Coordinator Carlyn Samuel: