The Climate Symposium 2014
Main goal of the symposium
The main goal of the symposium is to provide a forum for discussing the current state of climate science and climate observations in order to evaluate recent achievements, ascertain critical objectives to be achieved with satellite-based climate information, and identify gaps in the current space-based component of the climate observing system. A major topic that will be discussed is the proposed Architecture for sustained Climate Monitoring from Space that has been developed under the auspices of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), the Coordination Group of Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) and WMO. Beyond the monitoring of the current state of the Climate System, the conference will also consider how Earth observation contributes to future developments in climate prediction and climate change projection.
Symposium participants
- Climate scientists primarily interested in satellite observations and their use for climate research, modelling and prediction.
- Experts from space agencies engaged in the development of climate missions, and the development and provision of corresponding data and information services.
- Private sector, non-governmental organisations, and organisations that are involved in the development of Earth observing and information systems, and / or dependent on science-based climate information for decision-making.
Key themes for discussion during the conference will include:
- Clouds, circulation and climate sensitivity
- The changing water cycle
- Cryosphere in a warming world
- Ocean circulation and regional sea level rise
- Prediction and attribution of extremes: from climate to weather
- Regional climate variability and change: enabling climate services
Registration and abstract submission for the symposium is now open
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