Water-Energy-Food Nexus and its linkages to the SDGs
In addition to addressing water-energy-food nexus issues, the three-day event will specifically emphasize the contributions of the Future Earth W-E-F Cluster study to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the areas of water, energy, and food. Although the SDGs have been formulated as individual goals, they will only be effectively implemented if interlinkages between the targets and indicator monitoring activities are used as a basis for developing an integrated programme.
The workshop will address the following objectives:
- Identifying the critical issues related to the W-E-F Nexus generally in Africa and particularly in southern Africa
- Assessing information needs and the potential benefits of Earth observations in the W-E-F Nexus context
- Identifying governance gaps in addressing W-E-F Nexus issues and requirements for information and strategies to improve the performance of the W-E-F sectors
- Assessing the role of a W-E-F Nexus approach to support the effective implementation of the SDGs and the potential of the UN SDG process to support the Nexus
- Identifying needs and opportunities for capacity building
This technical workshop is the final of four held in different regions of the world in connection with the Future Earth initiative. The event will comprise both a three-day technical workshop and a dialogue (1.5 days) to address the science-policy interface in the water-energy-food nexus.
To register, or to find more information on the workshop and the science-policy dialogue, please click here.
Important dates to note:
- September 30, 2016: Deadline for abstract submission
- October 15, 2016: Notification of acceptance of papers
- October 31, 2016: Distribution of the final agenda
- November 21-23, 2016: Technical Workshop
- November 24-25, 2016: Science-Policy Dialogue
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