Webinar series on best practices on transdisciplinary and co-designed research.
Session I: Fri 28 October at 08:00 UTC (10:00 CEST)
Session II: Fri 28 October at 14:00 UTC (16:00 CEST)
The Future Earth Secretariat, Future Earth Europe Regional Centre and European Alliance of Global Change Research Committees launched a series of webinars on transdisciplinary and co-designed research in May 2016.
This third webinar in the series will describe practical examples of co-design in the Future Earth core project PECS (Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society). PECS aims to integrate research on the stewardship of social–ecological systems, the services they generate, and the relationships among natural capital, human wellbeing, livelihoods, inequality and poverty. PECS research is explicitly transdisciplinary and intersectoral, and wants to break down barriers that have impeded understanding of social-ecological transformations. PECS aims to understand interactions across scales, such as fast and slow drivers of social and ecological change, thresholds, traps and time lags, in order to identify appropriate operational scales. A comparative, place-based approach, international in scope, is at the core of PECS research.
Albert Norström is Executive Director of PECS and a researcher with a focus on 1) safe operating spaces of coastal and marine systems, 2) social-ecological dynamics of ecosystem services and 3) scenarios of good Anthropocenes.
"Co-design and transdisciplinarity: examples from the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS), a Future Earth core project.” Albert Norström, Executive Director of PECS.
This webinar series is a platform for members of the Future Earth community to share their knowledge and experiences on co-design and transdisciplinarity leading up to the Future Earth Regional Workshop for Europe on 22-23 November 2016 in Stockholm, Sweden. This year's workshop offers training in transdisciplinarity for Future Earth European participants.
The webinars are open to all, including scientists, communicators and stakeholders in the fields of sustainability and global change. The previous webinars held on 11 May and 29 September can be seen in the Future Earth webinar archive here.
For more information, contact Tanja Suni, Executive Director of the European Alliance of Global Change Research Committees at tanja.suni@helsinki.fi.
The webinars will be hosted on Adobe Connect Pro. To join, you need only an internet connection. To participate in discussion, we recommend using a headset with a microphone.
Join the meeting here.
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