Opportunities related to climate change:
Call for side event applications for COP28
As an observer organization, Future Earth has the possibility to submit one side event application for UNFCCC COP28, which will take place in the United Arab Emirates from 20 November to 12 December 2023.
Please use this spreadsheet to submit a proposal. You’ll also find others’ proposals, and feel free to reach out to the contacts in the spreadsheet if you are interested in collaborating on a proposal.
General information about side events
Last year’s Future Earth side event (a collaboration of various GRNs including SOLAS, iLEAPS, and PAGES)The deadline for submitting proposals is 31 May.
If you have any questions, please reach out to rebecca.fenn@futureearth.org.
Call for nomination of experts for the scoping meeting for the IPCC methodology report on short-lived climate forcers
Future Earth is invited to nominate experts to the IPCC scoping meeting for the IPCC methodology report on short-lived climate forcers. The scoping meeting will be held in late 2023 or early 2024. The aim of the scoping meeting is to consider the outline of the Methodology Report on SLCFs, as well as preparing draft terms of reference, a draft table of contents, and a draft work plan for the Methodology Report. The Methodology Report on SLCFs will be produced under the IPCC’s 7th Assessment Cycle.
Please send us your nomination by June 23rd.
For any questions, please contact rebecca.fenn@futureearth.org.
Opportunity for virtual-only participation in the Bonn Climate Change Conference
For the upcoming Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB 58) UNFCCC offers, as a pilot project, the possibility of virtual only participation. As an observer organization, Future Earth has the opportunity to send five additional delegates (for virtual only participation) to the conference. The virtual–only registration enables virtual only (online) access to delegates by providing access to UNFCCC online platform for SB 58 to attend or follow meetings remotely as applicable. Delegates registered for ‘Virtual–only’ participation are registered for the full period of the session and will be able to access the online platform for the duration of SB 58.
If you are interested in being registered as a virtual-only participant, please fill out the questionnaire by May 24th.
Opportunities related to biodiversity:
World Biodiversity Forum 2024
The third World Biodiversity Forum WBF will be held as an in-person event, from 17-20 June 2024 at the Congress Centre in Davos, Switzerland. The WBF will be preceded by a day of workshops, training sessions and networking meetings on 16 June 2024 and followed by excursions in the beautiful surroundings of Davos and its mountains on Friday, 21 June 2024. We invite proposals for sessions, workshops, training sessions or panel discussions.
The deadline for submitting a session proposal is 2 July 2023.
Contact: Anja Schilling and Cornelia Krug – info@worldbiodiversityforum2024.org
CBD Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) regional capacity-building workshop for East, South and South-East Asia
The workshop from 5-8 September 2023 in Seoul, Republic of Korea, will focus on the capacity needs of developing countries in the region in the context of the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. It will address a range of thematic issues relevant to the goals and targets of the Framework, such as area-based conservation, restoration, fisheries management, and biodiversity mainstreaming, and will seek to facilitate cross-sectoral, multi-agency scientific, technical and financial partnerships to support the effective implementation of various management tools and approaches.
Deadline for nominations: 11 July 2023
If you would like to be nominated by Future Earth, please contact natalie.chong@futureearth.org.