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Researchers Urge Uptake of Water Assessment Proposed at UN Water Conference

An initiative proposed by Future Earth at the UN Water Conference in March 2023 has received acclaim in an op-ed published in the U.S.-based news website The Hill.

Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Water Sustainability, or ISPWAS, is a proposed global science-based water assessment by UNESCO and Sustainable Water Future Programme, a Future Earth Global Research Network. The objective of ISPWAS is to deliver practical and actionable solutions, and identify emerging needs for capacity development and infrastructure needs.

The researchers who authored the op-ed said of ISPWAS:

“A science- and place-based global water assessment that recognizes the complexities of sustainably managing water resources such as those in the Colorado River Basin would provide actionable solutions and identify capacity development, implementation and infrastructure needs. Validated by an intergovernmental mechanism, ISPWAS can be a major “game-changer” by transforming water governance.”

Read more about Future Earth’s engagement at the 2023 UN Water Conference.