Adaptation Futures 2014
The Adaptation Futures 2014 Conference will :
- Showcase leading impacts and adaptation research from around the world
- Explore the contribution of adaptation science to planning and policy making
- Investigate how robust adaptation decision making can proceed in the face of uncertainty about climate change and its impacts
- Showcase cutting-edge research focusing on themes of equity and risk, learning, capacity building, methodology, adaptation finance and investment, and ecosystem based adaptation approaches
- Explore practical adaptation policies and approaches, and share strategies for decision making from the international to the local scale
- Introduce and examine new tools and methodolgies for adaptation finance tracking monitoring and evaluation.
Mark Stafford Smith, Chair of the Future Earth Science Committee, will give a keynote address on the changing narrative of adaptation, looking at how we learn from emerging experiences with climate adaptation to establish a global innovation system able to tackle the challenges of global environmental change.
As part of the conference there will be an International High Level Workshop on Drought Policies in the Arid and Semi arid regions of the world meeting on Friday 16th May.
The conference on Adaptation Futures 2014 is co-hosted and convened by the Earth System Science Center of the National Institute for Space Studies (CCST-INPE) from Brazil and by UNEP’s Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA).
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