Annual Workshop of the German Network of Early Career Scientists within Future Earth – Methods of transdisciplinary science
The first annual workshop of the newly established network of Early Career Scientists within Future Earth responds to those needs. It particularly aims to broaden the scope of the network and to facilitate a dialogue about the transdisciplinary methods that can be employed in the research of Early Career Scientists. The workshop will provide an open platform on which a diversity of suggestions can be discussed.
Furthermore, participating Early Career Scientists will elect their representatives within the German Network of Early Career Scientists within Future Earth and provide them with a mandate. In addition, there will be an opportunity to discuss the professional situation of Early Career Scientists, and to develop research ideas together.
Contributions: You are invited to share your current research with us by highlighting the key methodological questions that you have encountered during your work. Should you be interested in making a contribution, please send us a short summary of it (max. 500 words).
Registration: If you would like to attend the workshop, please register before 15 February 2015 by sending an email to
Costs: Participation is free of charge.
Location: International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities, University of Tübingen, Wilhelmstraße 19, Room 0.01, 72074 Tübingen, Germany
Contact: Dr. Simon Meisch, Universität Tübngen, simon.meisch@uni‐
Moritz Remig, IASS, Moritz.Remig@iass‐
Monday, 23 March 2015
13:00‐14:00 Welcome reception
14:00‐16:30 Role and aims of the network within the German Committee Future Earth
Dr Simon Meisch
Moritz Remig
Dr Bettina Schmalzbauer (DKN Future Earth Secretariat)
Election of spokes(wo)man
Planning the next workshops
16:30‐17:00 Coffee break
17:00‐18:30 Transdisciplinary research and existing funding opportunities
Presentation: Dr Johannes Karte (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG)
18:30‐20:00 Dinner
20:00‐22:00 Gin & Networking: Exchange about common project ideas and professional prospects for Early Career Scientists
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
09:00‐10:30 Workshop I: Methods of transdisciplinary research
Fish Bowl discussion: Challenges and solutions of transdisciplinary research
Dr Daniela Gottschlich (Universität Lüneburg)
Professor Martina Padmanabhan (Universität Passau)
10:30‐11:00 Coffee break
11:00‐13:00 Workshop II: Methods of transdisciplinary research
World Café: Peer‐Learning from concrete project ideas
13:00‐13:30 Conclusion and farewell
13:30‐14:30 Lunch / takeaway
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